Wednesday, December 30, 2015

‘Hey, You’ the “change”

     There are many days, when I had thought about India. Like ‘Why is our country like this?’, ’If the politics will always be like this?’, ‘Will it change?’ this and that, so on. At last if I draw into a conclusion such as ’Change is within us’, then the question arises ‘If the change within me is enough? Is it enough for the whole society? Will it bring freedom, the freedom from corruption, exploitation?’ my gut feel said ‘No’. Here is an example, “I am a resident in a so and so city, and my street is dreaded with garbage. I threw my house’s waste in the street, so like my neighbors. I have a child and he is affected by cholera. I admit him in the hospital and now, he is alright. But, the doctor advises me to keep my surroundings clean. Because of that, I stop myself from throwing the wastes in the street and put it in the garbage can. Even now, the street is filthy and dirty, then, I force my neighbors to stop throwing wastes in the street. In due course of time, they agree and the street is now clean. And yet, it hadn’t ended, the garbage can overflowed with wastes. I and my neighbors called the concerned authority, but they didn’t respond to us in the right manner. So, we complained about it in the higher authority, corrupt as much as the former they also didn’t gave an appropriate answer. Rather than wasting our time in complaining, we decided to clean our street on our own”. If you demand to change something, change it by yourself. If you couldn’t, stand behind the one who could do it. And, you can’t be sure of him. The change can change him, so be the one like an armed man who guards a suspect or be the friend who slaps his friend on his sin. After all, it’s better if its’ you who brought the change. A good leader must create a society which will pinpoint a mistake even if it is 'his'.

                                                                - Alan Giftson

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Criticism criticized

Who taught the man to criticize others? Maybe, maybe our ancestors who brought the inevitable dream of evolution come true. Maybe not. Our ancestral mind might think that it isn't a big thing.

An eight year old boy tries to climb a tree and he falls down. He tries again and again to just get hurt. A teenager looks at the boy, instead of encouraging or warning or walking away silently, he criticizes him before his friends. ‘You are never going to climb that, kiddo’ he says. Unable to withhold the criticism the boy forces himself vigorously up the tree. In an impulse of rage, he loses his balance and fells into the ground. The teenager shocked by the fall, being the elder brother of the boy, takes the boy to the hospital.

What did the teenager gained from the criticism? What did the elder brother gained from his criticism? Nothing. Nothing at all. Who in the world said that criticism is good? Going deep into criticism, it’s about the past, its’ always about the past. Criticism hides behind the shadow of a work done. The people who criticize go unknown to the world as well.

Most of the people in the world, taste sweet in tongue and bitter in heart. That bitterness can be tasted sometimes, only sometimes, in the form of criticism. Criticizing is bitter; criticizing others in their absence is the bitter most. It would have been better if the people in this world would have followed the things said by their own idols. The things regarding love, compassion and peace.

‘Indeed, how criticisms are given and received goes a long way in determining how satisfied people are with their work, with those they work with, and with whom they are responsible’ as Daniel Goleman says in his book, ‘Emotional Intelligence’. It’s a pure matter of the people who rub elbows with you in work, whom you are responsible for and the satisfaction of the work.

There are three kind of positive approaches that can be shown towards a work done:

   · Praising- the act of supporting a work and following the method in the same way as the work is done.

   · Innovating- the act of feeling unsatisfied by a work and remodeling or rejuvenating the earlier work or making a new, more brilliant advanced work.

   · Walking away- the act of doing nothing as the work seems uninterested.

More interestingly, the world does the above things but in a different way. They praise the works which yields them profit, even though they didn’t like it or attain any interest on the work. People innovate the truth with lies. They spread rumors which fells nastily in the ears of the truth. And, people do another thing as well. They turn a deaf ear to the injustice around them. They walk away from their mere duty of being a human.

Criticism is just big as world’s mouth. Criticizing criticism is also somewhat big. Rather than just arguing it’s better to come to a conclusion. Criticize if you can make a better work than the criticized, this means that your are lowering or heightening your level to the level of the criticized. Asking our ancestors’ help, let’s hope to set a goal of improvement, and jump to the other branches of life than the frail branch of criticism.

                                                                                    - Alan Giftson

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Hilt fulfills the Blade

                                           The Hilt fulfills the Blade 

She sat in the Starbucks cafe, sipping her coffee and staring out of the window. The blood stained knife lay next to her handbag, covered with her blue silk scarf. ………… All the eyes around were staring at her.

“Cut………….” the director’s voice echoed throughout the cafe. “Wonderful…Marvelous” his eyes exulted like a child. The whole movie came out incredibly. His heroine has portrayed the role beautifully. The blood stained knife became the climax of the movie.

The usually calm café seemed excited. The finished glasses of the café welcomed the tender sunrays with a transparent heart. The entire crew of the movie was inside the café. Claps and whistles flooded the arena.

The people were jolting one another outside the cafe. It was unusual to have crowd like these in the weekdays. Chennai is a city which is not new to shootings. But the people were already excited to see their dream girl in reality. A kind of dream girl with courageous heart and quick wit. Cute from outside and strong from inside. They waited outside to see their Queen once more.

Tiya. A name that trembles in each youngster’s heart. The name maybe old fashioned but the person who carries it, definitely not. Her life would be like a movie for the one who hears it for the first time. She is one of those girls who had never seen her parents face. Her face says she is a North Indian. Her smile shows the glimpse of the south. Brought up in an orphanage she has always been a bold, enthusiastic person. When the eyes of a great director fall upon her, the ladder of success was laid in front of her. All she had to do was to climb up. She did it well and now she is here. Twenty five years of age with more than twenty movies that credits her name. Nowadays women can work in other fields without support. But, work in film industry, a tough thing. A tough job especially when there is no moral support from behind. In spite of being orphan, she never thought that she is alone. “Loneliness doesn’t comes when you are alone, it comes when you are sad” that’s her words. Be chill, be happy. That’s her lifestyle.

“Pack up” the director’s voice showed a sense of satisfaction.

Tiya was busy in removing her makeup. It felt that the makeup was hiding her beauty. Her curly hair that was let loose added charm to her. Sharp nose with a dimple in her cheek made a great blend of elegance and cuteness.

Finished the makeup she was all set to leave the set. Director of this movie is a genuine person and she had never doubted his talent. He is an assistant of the director who introduced her in the industry. Moreover, a simple soul.

“Very nice of you, Mam…. I would never forget this opportunity” said Raj, the director of Cafe.

“How many times would I say to you?” throttled Tiya “Don’t call me Mam” with a false anger “Am I looking older?” cuddling her hair.

Raj “Never.. Never.. You are looking exactly same as I sighed you the first day” garnering his words “Except your talent”.

Tiya “Aaaaan… Enough” showed a straight face to Raj.

”Anyway I had forgotten one thing, there is a party for the crew members tonight” he continued, “Will you be free to join us?”

“I don’t know… You just tell me where. I would come if I am free” said Tiya.

After finishing, the conversation with the director she walked out of the café. Wearing a Black top over a white scoop paired with a black leathered pant she looked like one heck of awesomeness. The black aviator in her sharp nose made her face more radiant. Her eyes hovered through the aviators, with a lopsided smile sparking dimple in her face. Every eye in the crowd was in her while she walked to her car waving her hand. An aura of ramp walking fashioned there

“Party !!!” thundered the walls of Taj Coromandel. Extraordinarily furnished rooms with party lights gave fresh air to the event. Light music was played giving a high class party effect. A nicely lit stage is made dark with some black linen. The mike stood all alone in the centre of the stage.

Raj “Vanakkam. I am glad to welcome you all in this gathering. This wouldn’t have been possible without you people. I am owed to thank the people who had given me this opportunity” eyed Tiya who was smiling like an innocent child. (Vanakkam is Tamil’s way of greeting someone). Raj finished his thanking speech and then the party starts.

Tiya was sitting in a table with a glass of wine in the front. She was wearing a Red slit gown. The gown glittered in the lights like a lightning in a sunny day.

“Hey, thanks for coming” there came Raj with a wide smile in his face.

“I would like to introduce someone to you” he called upon someone by his side.

An attractive man with a well toned body man came near the table.

He said “Hello” offering a hand in the way of giving a handshake. He looked like “’Black’ is my color Man” since he wore black throughout.

Tiya replied “Hello” giving a handshake looking Raj with a sneaky look in her face.

Raj “This is Aari. He is the hero of my next film. New face for the audience but staying in the industry for the past years” gave a formal introduction of the man.

Tiya give a pretty smile to the both. Raj retired from the conversation leaving the two alone.

“I have become a great fan of you watching your recent movies” started Aari, “Especially, after seeing the movie ‘Crush’”.

“Thank You. It’s so nice of you.” Tiya tried to end the conversation.

“Let’s have some drink” but Aari had no intention of ending it.

“No, thanks. I don’t drink”

“Oh. I also thought like that”

Tiya was starting to observe him. His talk was like a flirt but his eye wasn’t. It stayed still like raindrop in a petal.

“What did you thought?” quirkiness shined in her voice.

Aari “I…..” finally developed his guts to ask, grunted “thought of asking your number”.

Tiya was pretty amazed. Not by what he asked but by what is happening here. Within an hour of introduction, he is asking my number? She was simply dumbstruck by the man.

Aari “Hello” was waving his hands in front of her, “Just asked your number. It’s okay if you don’t give” ceased his talk.

Tiya “Not like that. I have a policy of receiving anything first before giving” spoke like a fish jumping out of the hand.

“Yeah. I should have been the first one.”

“Then be One”

Aari gave his phone number and then asked for her number.

All he got was “I don’t give my number in the first meeting” in reply.

Without any scruple, he continued talking with same coolness. Tiya liked him. They began to talk like longtime friends within matter of minutes.

People were dancing in a stage set in the middle of the room. A band played the music. Everyone was simply enjoying the party.

“Gooooood Eveninggg to all” a voice grunted from the speaker. Everyone one turned their heads. The spotlight spotted the voice. It is Raj their director. “It’s a sad day for me. It has ended. I will miss the days of directing my love in the movie” he looked drunk. “Yeah…. Madam, it’s you” his tired eyes rolled over “Tiya… Tiya…. Tiya, Tiya”. Suddenly, “Yes, I Love You…. Love you, dear Madam” his voice roared up. “I….” his assistants came over the stage and dragged him back.

Tiya felt her rhythm stopping. She became upset, it reflected in her eyes and actions. All time cheerful, bold girl got her head down. The floor she was standing felt stumbling. Her mind became blank. Blank as hell. She stead fasted out of the party hall. Her angriness made her look like red hot chilly.

She got on the car. It started raining. The rain drops on the window glass made her memories tremble. In the morning, she never felt that this day would become this much of shattered. It started like an all usual day but, ended harsh fully bad. She wasn’t expecting this kind of activity from Raj. She had a great respect for him but, not that kind of feeling. Her mind was brought to reality by the car driver’s horn. The car had reached near home. Tiya’s eyes flashed at the window for a second. It had stopped raining. Drizzling is not new but, a fact hit her hard. Raindrops in the window were gone. Humans are also like these raindrops, they change from place to place.

Two days later in the morning, Tiya’s car was parked outside a Mental hospital. Raj was standing near the car, his posture filled with shame. He had just arrived there.

Raj “Tiya….” walked towards her who was coming out of the hospital.

Her charming face became hatefully ignorant. The always living smile in her face is killed by the anger. She looked at him with burning eyes and stood at a place.

Raj “A sorry would not make it up. But, I am helpless. Please forgive me. I was drunk for the first time. I wasn’t conscious” tried to please her.

“Anything wouldn’t come out without in heart” Tiya, “Even if drunk” nagged down her with sight.

Raj “It’s true. I had a crush on you when the first time I saw you but, that I have killed that thought long before. It just happened wrong on that day. I am sorry” begged down to the earth.

Tiya “Oh God. The ones to be in the mental hospital are out of it and the ones to be in it are out….. Look……… I am done with your film and I am done with you as well. The film is going to release. That’s all between us” erupted like a volcano.

Raj was dumbstruck after hearing this. He walked from there like a disappointed child. He felt ashamed by his act. So, he didn’t even tried to speak. He turned his head towards her in pain after walking a small distance.

It had been a month since that incident had happened. The film is set to release. She was already tired of all the gossips spread about her. Her home was calm. She was busy with her laptop. She took her phone to call her manager. The call accidentally went to Aari, the handsome Hunk she met at the party. She wanted to give it a try. Two to three rings went on.

“Hello” a young voice answered the phone.

Tiya “Hello” spelled that last ‘o’ like a myth.

“Who is this?” asked Aari.

“People forgot easily. Even fans” she spilled the words.

“But it’s wonderful if celebrities remember their fans” replied Aari.

“Not everyone. Only few remember”

“Yeah and it’s awesome if that is someone who doesn’t give their number”

“I just called to say that I have called wrongly. Can I please put the phone down?”

“It’s in your fingers. But, don’t take the curse of a youngster. Give him the pleasure of speaking with her…” he stopped there.

“Hmmm…. What?” smile in her face displayed her heart.

Anyway his misfortune made it a phone conversation. “Nothing. Can we meet somewhere?” asked Aari.

“Sorry, I am going to Bangalore as a vacation. I am going next week.”

“Awesome. We will meet at Bangalore. I am going there for a work”

“Ok, bye. We will. This is my number. Take it”

“Yeah, bye ”

The 50th day poster of Cafe looked fresh in an old building’s wall.

Aari and Tiya were walking on the sands of Goa.

“Sometimes what people say is damn true. That hateful day gave me the love of my life. If that day doesn’t exist I wouldn’t be walking here holding your hand” Tiya had said these words many times in different places at different times. But her love is unchanged. Aari is acting in Raj’s film as the protagonist.

Aari’s first film is going to release next week.

A boy pastes the 100th day poster of Cafe on the wall.

Tiya sat in the Starbucks café, sipping her coffee and staring out of the window. The blood stained knife lay next to her handbag, half covered with a shawl….. Two people in the café were speaking among themselves pointing towards her.

‘……….Cut………..’. She wished this moment to be a movie scene. Many of them in the prison are also wishing the same. Life is a drama but, there is no rehearsal.

She wasn’t all that sad. Her eyes seemed satisfied.

Tomorrow is the 100th day of her film Cafe. She was invited to attend a success meet. Aari went out in the morning regarding a shoot. He would return soon. They planned to go to the meet held at Chennai.

Aari and Tiya are living together in a flat in Bangalore. Tiya was arranging the home. When she took a box, it fell down. A number of photographs scattered on the floor with a diary. She tried to pick up the photos. She was shocked. She struggled to accept the truth. Not because it was a photo of his love with some girl. The girl in the photo is familiar to her.

“Mam…” Tiya suddenly returned to the present. Those two people speaking among themselves were near her.

“Yes” answered Tiya a little mentally absent.

They offered a note and black sketch asking her Autograph. While she was signing, they noted the half covered knife next to the bag. They went straight to the café’s serving area.

The girl in the photo is Aruna, Tiya’s childhood friend from the orphanage. Aruna was adopted by someone when she was teen. Their friendship lasted only till that. Two years before, Tiya saw her in a mental hospital. Her adopted parents couldn’t control their tears.

Aruna loved a guy, he left her making her pregnant. Unable to take this, Aruna became mentally ill. Even though their parents tried their best, they couldn’t identify the guy.

Tiya never imagined a betrayer within Aari. Her heart stopped. She felt like a corpse. All the love within her got evaporated away. Loneliness surrounded her. Her world become upside down.

The calling bell woke her up from her thoughts. She packed the box with the photographs and the diary. After making herself normal she went to open the door. It was raining heavily outside.

Aari entered the home exhausted by the shoot. “Coffee” asked Aari.

A sleeping pills mixed coffee and kitchen knife finished the job.

A police car entered the café. Two policemen entered into the cafe and searched for their informer. The two who informed the police, were talking among themselves in the serving area. One of them noted the policemen and pointed his fingers towards the table in which Tiya had her coffee.

The seat was empty. Both the policemen gave a doubtful look on the informers. The informers were in a real shock, they walked towards the table. The policemen reached the table before them.

A tissue paper was all that is left in the table, with a smiley drawn in black. Three dots shined near the smiley…

                                                                                        - Alan Giftson

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Story written for Write India contest by me


Close to the city of Paithan, in a small village called Sauviragram, which lay along the banks of the great river Godavari, lived a woman named Ilaa. Being cotton farmers, her family was well to do, but not among the richest in their area. It was the harvest season, and cotton had to be picked from the plants. The wholesalers and traders from Paithan would be arriving in just a few weeks, carrying gold and goods for barter. They would exchange what they carried for the cotton that the farmers grew. The bales of cotton had to be ready in time! Work was at its peak!

But Ilaa was not to be found in the fields. She wasn't working. Instead, she was sitting by the banks of the great river Godavari.

'I am sick of this!' she grunted loudly.

Ilaa is the most desirable woman in her village. She is a rare-breed of intelligence and charm. Everyone in her family except her is happy of seeing her getting married. She is a flapper girl in the minds of the people in her village. When every girls in the village are busy in taking care of their babies, she even hates the talk of marriage. Till now, she has driven away at least ten marriage proposals which had came to her. She would cheat her fiancé simply by saying that she has lost her virginity. What to say, who would accept. Her plans always had gone well.

Let’s return to the bank of Godavari.

“What’s the ‘matter’?” a soft but masculine voice seems to be coming from behind. It was Jaggu’s. A pleasing human whom with she travelled since her childhood. He is the only hope for her in this land of inequity. He is a relative to her, in some way. He is an orphan which hurts Ilaa a lot. They both were a Private lagoon in this ocean of bias.

Turning back, Ilaa offered a lopsided smile towards Jaggu. He was perspiring, due to the heavy work in the fields. “What happened?” continued Jaggu, “I haven’t seen you out for a few days” sitting beside her.

Ilaa thought ‘Not all men are mean’ giving a tight-lipped smile. “Come on, say something” nibbled Jaggu. “Oh… You wouldn’t say that to me, right?” nagged his anxiety. She responded with a widened smile “It’s not me but you who need help”, grabbing his hand walking towards the river. “Go. Drink some water otherwise you would die of perspiration” continued with a hint of care in her face.

“Okay, tell. What’s your problem?” asked Jaggu after washing his face in the river.

“Nothing, I just can’t bear this Barter system” said Ilaa in an irritated tone.

A clearly surprised Jaggu asked “Why are you saying like that? This system is giving food for us to eat!” with an innocent face.

“I am not speaking about that” sneered Ilaa .

“Umm..….Then what is it?” Jaggu questioned like a child.

“I don’t like this barter system of selling woman in the name of marriage!”

"It’s not even a gentleman’s agreement!” she added.

Jaggu broke down into laughter hearing this.

She continued “If I was born as a male, I would demolish the men who are a part of this barter system” finishing her speech with an angry mixed fantasy.

“Ahh… Someone is having an idea of becoming the Ilaa of Sauvigaram” a playful smile crossed his face.

Both of them broke down into laughter.

Jaggu paved his way towards his hut.

Legends are always inspiring.

Ilaa the king of Bahlika, accidentally stepped into the forest of Shiva during his hunting trip. Cursed to become a woman, Ilaa prayed to ‘Parvathi’ Shiva’s passionate companion. With her blessing Ilaa lived a life as a man and woman alternatively every month. Memories of one stage wouldn’t be passed on to the other. Ilaa married Budha while he was a woman. Budha is one the nine planets, ‘The Mercury’. Budha knowing his mate’s unspeakable situation helped Ilaa by pleasing Shiva through ‘Ashwamedha Yagna’. This horse sacrifice gave Ilaa his former self. Budha and Ilaa had a son named ‘Pururavas’. Ilaa established the city Prathisthana and ruled it , after leaving Budha. Later, Pururavas became the king of Prathisthana which is now so called as ‘Paithan’.

Meanwhile, our Ilaa of Sauvigaram reached her home. Ilaa is the pinky in her home. Ilaa has an elder brother and sister. Tomorrow is her elder sister Aadrika’s Godh bharai. Godh bharai is an Indian ceremony which is celebrated during pregnancy. It literally means to ‘fill the lap’ with abundance in HIndi. It is usually held when the mother-to-be is in her seven months. Aadrika was married four years before to Aadit a rich trader. Aadit will be coming to the village in a few weeks with other traders. His house was two streets far from Ilaa’s. Aadit and Aadrika already have a son of two years.

Dawn kicked out the dusk while Godavari’s cold skin felt the warmth and light of the rising sun. Aadit’s home had become the sweet home in their area. The plantain banana had already being planted in front of their house. The house was filled with the aroma of sandalwood and turmeric. Mango leaves heartily welcomed the guests entering the house with giving a slight flow.

“Everybody’s eyes would be on you” delighted Aadrika’s mom after making her dress-up.

“Hmm… Didi is becoming younger after getting pregnant” entered Ilaa with a widened smile in her face.

“Aaaahn … Here comes our princess” teased Aadrika “Our kingdom is waiting for the day to see the princess becoming younger” with a quirky smile.

“Mmmm … Enough. Tit for tat” surrendered Ilaa.

All the people in Sauviragam had been invited for the occasion and nearly every women in the village were present. Traditionally, Godh bharai is an all in all women’s celebration. Only a handful of men were present. The ceremony ended happily with all smiling faces around. Aadit’s absence was the only regret.

'How soft and clean’ thought Ilaa feeling the cotton plants sitting in the fields.

“How was the ceremony yesterday?” asked Jaggu walking towards her with a cheerful smile.

Ilaa “It was awesome. Especially, celebrating a ceremony without men” slipped a mockery line.

Jaggu “Ohh … The work in the fields yesterday was excellent too, without any quarrel and noises” mocked the conversation.

“I didn’t knew till now that you can also mock someone” questioned Ilaa.

“Mocking someone close to the heart is OK for me” replied Jaggu.

‘What is he trying to say?’ Ilaa’s heart drew lines from sea bed to the clouds floating above. The feeling itself gave goose bumps in her mind. She has never experienced this kind of feeling before. First shade of shyness crossed her face for a microsecond. She couldn’t help herself from expressing the feeling which is turbulent like the flood in a dam. With utmost concern, she remained silent. It’s not his words. It’s something from her inner self that made her silence much deeper and unrecoverable. 

Jaggu who is standing near her couldn’t understand what is happening. He has never seen Ilaa like this before. He called her by her name again and again. At last, she turned towards him with a childlike look.

“Is that true?” asked Ilaa with a tone that can’t be portrayed or hidden within this limited words.

“What?” clearly doubted Jaggu replied with a strange look.

Ilaa “What you said before? Is that true?” dragged the point with a feathery touch to it.

“Off course, you always know it” nodded Jaggu.

Ilaa “Then let’s make it more than close…… closer” smiled like a child hiding a chocolate.

“….. Umm… I don’t understand” asked the male child.

“Godavari has a fortune of having these banks as her companion. A companion who stops her cries and caresses her while she is in a sorrow and makes her happier in her happiness. All the way along, from her drops to floods. Even during drought , remembering the sweet kisses given by her saving some of its taste within him , deep in his heart. I want you as my companion in life. It’s you and only you from the beginning. It’s all clear for me now….. Just say that you will never leave me…….” Ilaa stopped after speaking like she had never before. Her charm has become more bright and lovely.

Jaggu hadn’t even imagined this type of conversation from Ilaa. The giggling waters in the river, sunset, an half harvested field, staying with the one who loves him. He pinched himself to believe if it’s true.

Jaggu “Never….” kissed the words with all the love that he has.

Jaggu and Ilaa met everyday sharing their love and memories which they have. Everyone in the village turned a third eye towards them. This news somehow hit the ears of Ilaa’s father. Though he showed an angry face to Ilaa, from inside he was pretty happy. He welcomed her child’s call for marriage. Jaggu may be an orphan but, a great man. He planned of getting the two, married soon.

Aadrika was going through a critical phase in her seventh month. She was weak , considerably weak to bear a child. She was staying in her father’s house.

"Maa…… “ Aadrika’s voice thundered from the backyard.

Ilaa and her mom rushed to the backyard. Aadrika was lying down there crawling in pain. Ilaa’s heart trembled with pain. Her mom was already mentally absent. Ilaa said good words to her mom and went to the streets to ask someone for help. Within minutes , Ilaa returned home with four to five women. One of the women said that it’s a pregnancy pain. It was only her seventh month of pregnancy. All of them lost their hope. Even though, they were trying hard at least to rescue the mother.

Ilaa’s father and brother arrived there after some time. They were all sunken in sorrows since they heard Aadrika’s condition. They were praying to god to make sure that Aadrika is safe.

Aadrika was crawling in pain in the backyard. Her face showed that she couldn’t endure the pain. Her mom and Ilaa were sitting besides her holding her hands. “Hold on.. Didi, hold on… Everything will be alright” cried Ilaa. Her mom was caught up in loss of words. Aadrika’s eyeballs were going up. Her eyelids began to close without hope. She had lost all her energy that she can’t even speak.

The women from the neighborhood were trying their best. The pain stopped suddenly, when death’s grasp caught her breath. Silence was all over the air.

Ilaa shooked her sister pleading for any movement. Nothing. There was not even a hint of movement. Ilaa sit down with shock. The pain of losing someone close can’t be briefed by anyone.

The house suddenly become upside down. The joy in the house before two weeks in the Godh bharai had diffused in air. No one had any idea of what to say to Aadit who will be returning in the next week. The whole village got stumbled by this incident. Funeral of Aadrika went on in the village with women crying loud and men in silence.

Days passed by. Aadit returned home. No one had guts to speak of the tragedy. He searched for Aadrika in his home and headed straight to Ilaa’s home. In home, Ilaa was pleading her mom to eat the food. All Aadit could see was sorrow dipped faces throughout the home. He looked puzzled when he came near Aadrika’s father who was sitting there in a corner.

Aadit “Uncle, what had happened? Why all are sitting dumb? Where is Aadrika? “ fired questions towards the situation whose depth is unknown.

Everyone became silent like a lizard stuck to the wall. Aadrika’s mother couldn’t control her feelings for long. Tears flooded from her eyes. Aadrika’s father developed his courage to brief the things happened. Aadit mumbled Aadrika’s names a few times before collapsing to the floor. Men in their village are not that much of sentimental. But, Aadit wasn’t one of them. Nobody knows how to relieve him from the pain.

‘Time is a best healer’ they say. Many things had been changed. But, time hasn’t healed the wound. A wound of losing their beloved ones.

A few months after Aadrika’s death, her father had taken a decision. A tough decision for Ilaa. He decided to compensate the unbearable loss by getting her another daughter married to Aadit. A kind of left-handed marriage. When Ilaa came to know this, she couldn’t digest her father’s decision.

She took a stubborn decision. Flood was running in the Godavari. Than to live with one in heart and another in life, she decided to enter into the paradise. However, fate thought to keep her alive. She escaped from the floods by some grace. Her father was shocked. He was frightened. Jaggu promised Ilaa’s father that he will look after her.

Aadit spoke to Ilaa. When he called her child, Ilaa’s heart became as light as feather. Coming to know his feelings for Aadrika, peace retained within her. She pleaded him that she will brought up his son. At last, Aadit accepted her decision.

After these incidents, Ilaa and Jaggu were married. Ilaa conveyed her determination to Jaggu, that they will never bear a child and treat Aadrika’s child as theirs. Jaggu always a man of humanity agreed to this.

Aadit was compelled by his parents to get married again. Unable to resist their parents, he went away from the village and never returned.

Monday, October 19, 2015



              The breezy wind in the seashore spread it's branches in between the people sitting, playing and roaming around. The sun has shut off this day's work. Sunday evening was great as always, except the irony that the next day is Monday.

               The Rubik's cube was gliding in between Priya's hands. She is a sweet girl of eight years, her father was sitting at a distance with her mother. 

                "Hi Priya !!" there came her neighborhood friend named Karthik.
                "Hey ... Where were you for this while?" asked Priya. Both of their families came to the beach together.

                "Just playing around with my friends here" said Karthik wavering his hands at his friends building their sand houses, "What is that?" asked Karthik hovering his eyes on the Rubik's cube.

                 "It's color cube" said Priya.

                 "Color cube???" asked Karthik with eager.

                 "I have named it like that" 


                 "Look here" said Priya showing him the different colors in the cube, "You have to arrange it in order"

                 "How do you arrange it?" asked Karthik.

                 "Like this" saying that Priya rolled the cube's one part.

                 "Nothing so hard" said Karthik with an insulting tone.

                 "Then you do it" staked Priya handling the cube to him.

                 Karthik took it from her hands and tried to arrange the colors. But, he couldn't.

                 "Sorry...." pleased Karthik giving the cube to her.

                 "It's ok" accepting his apology Priya took the cube.

                 "Do you know how to arrange them ?" questioned Karthik.

                 "Yeah... My Dad taught me" said Priya.

                 "Then show me" doubtful look spread in Karthik's face.

                 "Hmmm...". Priya rolled her hands over the cube lavishly to finish it off.

                 "Superb Priya" exclaimed Karthik, "Will you give this to me?" asking in a polite manner "I will show this to my friends" halted Karthik.

                 "Take it" said Priya.

                 Karthik took the Rubik's cube from her hands and ran to his friends.

                   "Hey... look here" announced Karthik standing in front of his friends.

                   "What?" asked one boy.
                   "Look at this" said Karthik showing the cube in his hand.

                   "What's in that?" asked the same boy.

                   "You have to arrange it to similar colors" said Karthik.

                   "Did you arranged this?" asked another boy.

                   Karthik's eyes jumped of confusion. He was unsure what to say. He can't conclude anything that rolled through his mind. He just nodded his head.

                    "Awesome Karthik" appreciated another boy.

                    "How did you learnt this?" asked the first boy.
                    "I... I learnt this myself" words stumbled from Karthik's mouth. Lies are viruses, they just multiply.

                    "Karthik..." a voice called him from behind.

                    He turned back. All the boys were applauding for him. He became silent.

                    "Dad said it's late..." asked Priya, her hand in the mid-air.

                    "Sorry........" Karthik's mouth moved but his voice mumbled.

                    Priya just extended her hand towards him. She was looking to the sands between her toes. She was controlling her anger, that reflected in her face.

                   Karthik placed the cube in her hand.

                   Priya received the cube and ran from the place immediately, hugging the cube tightly close to her body. 


                                                                                  - Alan Giftson