Monday, May 11, 2020

Science, the elixir of 21st century

Fascinating ideas combined with hard hitting facts makes science a wonderful thing to learn. How does science works? Why religion is bullshit and the stories it tells? What are some of the contradictions in the Bible? Keep reading to find out more.

To understand how science works let's consider an allegory. Miss Science is a master chef who blends various recipes and flavours in her cooking. A new scientific theory is like the idea of new recipe she wants to cook. She tastes various recipes to understand what ingredient goes well with the other. Then she buys the ingredients, the ingredients represents the tools required. Once she got all the ingredients right, she starts cooking, in science this process is experimentation. If the recipe comes out great she notes down the process and serves the recipe to the entire world. And what more, she even might mix the previous recipe with a brand new recipe if it blends well. Here, taste stands for the observation of a theory and blending represents how scientific theories don't collide with each other. They stand true to their own aspect at the same time, they work well together.

Unlike science, religion and the things it preaches are filled with contradictions. For example, in Mahabharat according to the laws of war, it is wrong to hit someone under the hip. But Krishna, the incarnation of Vishnu, advises Bheema to smash Duryodhana's thighs. In Bible, the punishments listed for homosexuals defies the second commandment of Jesus, love thy neighbor as thyself. If God created the earth just a few thousand years ago, how come fossils dated millions of years ago are in existence? How did so many people survived a year in Noah's Ark without any plants or without developing any diseases? Why is there no evidence for a Global flood? Why didn't the Holy books preach against slavery, casteism, racism, male chauvinism and other forthcoming evils? All of these points to one thing. Holy books are the words of willing people who wanted to wrote the stories they know with loads of fantasy and religious dogmas. These people wrote what they know with the knowledge available during that particular time period. For example, bat is listed as a bird in the Bible while scientists name it as a mammal.

Even if we leave the Holy books, religions are becoming a mass hysteria endorsed by the educated and uneducated alike. People are plotting against their own countrymen to establish a kingdom filled with slavery and violence against women. Why? Because their scriptures said so. Millions of people have died due to the imposition of religion, both willingly and unwillingly. Religion create an imaginary division within the minds of people. It makes you believe that for somewhat reason your God is better and truthful than the other God. The Vatican church doesn't gives account of how it spends the money and offerings it collects from the Roman Catholics. Intolerance has become the current trend in countries like USA and India. 

Religion has made you believe that your grandmother who gave birth to two stillborn children and suffered through a miscarriage led a happy life than you. It makes you blind to the things science has achieved within a short span of 100 years. Science has invented penicillin, reduced child mortality rate, increased the average lifespan of people, and it connects you and me through a network. In short, science has made our life easier and happier.

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