Sunday, September 25, 2016


   We all would have faced this problem, each everyone in different situations at different age. The problem of getting hurt by words. The moment which we get blamed or teased for a thing which we are not responsible for, for a thing which we can't control, for a thing which we think we shouldn't be blamed. The disgusting feeling when we get judged by the ones who doesn't have any idea of what we are undergoing. All these things leds to hate, indefinite hate. Here are some commonly spoken words without knowing their meaning and their depth.

Bitch :
           One of the most used word in the modern era. People will argue that it means a female dog, but it carries a vulgar wit that is almost intolerable by any human being. Sensitive people struggle hard to resist this word. It is not culture to use it on any man or woman, whoever it might be, Most worst thing about abusing is that they pretend that someone is something, without having even glimpse of their character. First and foremost quality of any civilized human is not to judge anyone. The chart shows the number of increase in the "Bitch" around the world.


Nerd :
           Not mostly used but widely used on people who prefer to stay alone. To speak or to not, to mingle or to not, to enjoy or to not, it is their own decision. It's none of other's business to name them. Many of the nerds in the world are the ones responsible for the improvement in various fields.
Before naming others nerds, ask to ourself what good we did in our life. The following chart gives usage of the word 'Nerd' in the years.

Bastard :
             Lucky are the ones who didn't hear this word from anybody. It's a pure word of abusal. If you are used to this word, next time, stop for a second and think. We don't have to use this word. We really don't have to. Most of the people who are used to abuse people struggle with their relationships. In every relationships, for every single moment, every time when they get angry, every time when they get hurt. Words are like waves, they will hit the shore every time the wind blows.

 We saw some of the words which hurt humans. There are more words that must not be spoken, never.

        Don't ask your lifepartner, if he/she would leave you. Even if you are having trouble with him/her. Even if you fear if they will leave you. Never. Don't ever ask this once they rely upon you, once they love you, once they trust you, never ask. Think in a positive way, even if they may leave you in future, let them leave. Don't spill the words, words will stay deeper like a bed of the ocean. After spilling the words, however we try hard, they will stay still and will never shook off.

        Don't ignore someone saying that you are busy, while being free as hell. Think for a second, how will you feel if they did the same to you. Don't say that you are busy to the ones who need you. Time is precious, but ignoring someone is a waste of time. Never forget that proverb, as you sow so you reap. You ignore someone and someone will ignore you.

        Don't say goodbye as such. A goodbye at a wrong time can ruin relationships. A goodbye to the wrong person will make you regret for lifetime. A goodbye to special ones can hurt a lot.

                                                                                                   - Alan Giftson

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